Button is very excited to let everyone know, that we'repartnering with Public Sector Network for their upcoming Digital Government & CX Roadshow in Toronto, Edmonton and Victoria!
Designed to explore the most efficient strategies to help public sector leaders gain internal buy-in and develop a roadmap for digital transformation,we hope you can join us this October to connect with the experts and share ideas to build a better public service.
Button will be a Silver Sponsor this year, the topics will vary and diving into designing digital services which are accessible, inclusive and citizen-centric will be an absolute must. By committing to inclusive and innovative design, the public sector can create exceptional products and services. To achieve this, internal buy-in and a culture that is receptive to change is paramount. Embracing a digital mindset and adopting the technologies to facilitate change is key to success.
We’ll be attending Toronto October 18th, Edmonton October 27th and Victoria October 28th. At each event, Button will be influencing the conversation by participating on a 40-minute panel discussion and also be hosting and facilitating a 60-minute roundtable.
Great topics ofdiscussion, speakers and deep dives will include:
· What are the key trends that are shaping the future of digital transformation?
· What are the core principles for building an effective digital transformation framework?
· What are some common barriers when it comes to delivering digital services efficiently?
· Are there any challenges that need be addressed now to ensure an effective roll-out?
· Where do you see opportunities to improve collaboration across various levels of government and the private sector?
· In what ways have approaches to digital transformation differed pre-pandemic vs. post pandemic, if at all?
A very interesting topic of discussion will be focused on Overcoming Internal Barriers for Digital Adoption:
· How do leaders embed a culture of digital adoption in their organizations? How do they ensure buy-in?
· What strategies can be used to overcome shared challenges and barriers to transformation?
· What strategies can be used to attract and retain the next generation of digital leaders for tomorrow’s public sector?
· What are the best practices for building a tech stack that will help improve adoption?
· Ways to ensure all departments are on a symbiotic transformation journey
These events will be important steps forward with transparent and open dialogue on topics that are deeply important to Button, including The Digital Divide – How Citizens Lives Are Impacted & What Can Be Done, building ethics into design and implementation, combining code and the public good, that’s what it should be about.
We'll see you there! Registration is free for public sector employees.
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We love to have conversations with decision makers, technology leaders, and product managers from government and industry. If that sounds like you, and you have a digital project you’d like to let us know about, please fill out our contact form.
Alec or Dave from our business development team will reach out promptly.